Four fluted cutter for routing tenons with a clean finish on the shoulder.|Tungsten Carbide Tipped for use on timber and abrasive man-made boards.|Cutter has four cutting edges with two down-shear blades for the shoulder and two up-shear for the face of the tenon.|Ideal for tenoning or where a large area needs to be recessed or surfaced.|Improved finish on interlocking grain.
D1=2 inches|D1=50.8 mm|Cut length=20 mm|OL=68 mm|A=90 degrees|Shank Diameter=1/2|For stationary machines at max. recommended speed 18,000 RPM
D1=2 inches|D1=50.8 mm|Cut length=20 mm|OL=68 mm|A=90 degrees|Shank Diameter=1/2|For stationary machines at max. recommended speed 18,000 RPM
12 months