These blades are laser cut from hardened, chrome alloyed steel plate which is then tempered and roller tensioned.|The bore is accurately reamed to ensure precise balance.|Micro-granular carbide tips are used to give long lasting performance in a wide range of materials and to provide the maximum number of resharpenings.|For finishing or fine trimming applications.|For plunge saws.
D=6 1/4 inches|D=160 mm|Bore=20 mm|Kerf=2.2 mm|Plate thick=1.6 mm|No. of Teeth=48|Tooth form=ATB|Hook=5 degrees|Quick Selector No.=7.1|Colour Code=Yellow|Type=Fine Trim/Finishing|Cut Finish=Extra fine|Festool TS55|Max rpm=10000
D=6 1/4 inches|D=160 mm|Bore=20 mm|Kerf=2.2 mm|Plate thick=1.6 mm|No. of Teeth=48|Tooth form=ATB|Hook=5 degrees|Quick Selector No.=7.1|Colour Code=Yellow|Type=Fine Trim/Finishing|Cut Finish=Extra fine|Festool TS55|Max rpm=10000
12 months