To make round boxes, planters, barrels or other multi-sided components. |One side of the component is machined with the cutter.|Fast and accurate joint creation on timber.|For use in a router table.|Notch created by cutter provides a larger glueing area for optimal strength.|Strips of wood are cut as staves and glued together, once dry a plane is used to make component round.|For 8-sided boxes for material 20mm maximum thickness.
D1=38 mm|Cut length=22 mm|A=45 degrees|OL=58 mm|Shank Diameter=1/2 inch|Timber thickness max. 6-sided=20 mm|For 8-sided box cut face side up.
D1=38 mm|Cut length=22 mm|A=45 degrees|OL=58 mm|Shank Diameter=1/2 inch|Timber thickness max. 6-sided=20 mm|For 8-sided box cut face side up.
12 months