Kink-free hose. |Hose outside diameter 39mm and length 3 metres.|Includes a 58mm (2-1/4 inch) outside diameter hose adaptor ref CRT/3 which fits directly into fence.|Three part adaptor has an anti-kink design and can be removed from the hose.|Ideal for the Trend router tables.|Hose adaptor fits directly to CRT/MK3, PRT, WRT, T30, T31 and MT/DUSTKIT.
Length=3 metres|Hose OD=39 mm|Hose ID=32 mm|Adaptor OD=58 mm (2-1/4 inch)|Adaptor ID=35 mm (for 39 mm OD hose)
1 x Hose|1 x Adapter
Length=3 metres|Hose OD=39 mm|Hose ID=32 mm|Adaptor OD=58 mm (2-1/4 inch)|Adaptor ID=35 mm (for 39 mm OD hose)
1 x Hose|1 x Adapter
12 months