Roughing taper stone for the Fasttrack sharpening system.|2.5 degree taper to give intermediate angles of 22.5/27.5 degree and 27.5/32.5 degree when used with the Fasttrack sharpener, or Fastrack knife sharpener.|Monycrystalline diamond with unique Diamond Cross relief pattern which gives optimal abrasion rates to maximise sharpening efficiency and reduces clogging.|Diamonds are held by Nickel plating to a steel substrate, with ABS plastic base.
Size=77 mm x 26 mm x 4/3 mm|Grade=Extra coarse|Grit=220 (nom. 60 micron)|Colour=Black
Size=77 mm x 26 mm x 4/3 mm|Grade=Extra coarse|Grit=220 (nom. 60 micron)|Colour=Black
24 months